3 posts tagged


Netflix Maestro and Apache Airflow - Competitors or Companions in Workflow Orchestration?

Netflix Maestro and Apache Airflow - Competitors or Companions in Workflow Orchestration?

Explore how Netflix Maestro and Apache Airflow, two powerful workflow orchestration tools, can complement each other. Delve into their features, strengths, and use cases to uncover whether they are companions or competitors.

Exploring StarCraft 2 data with Airflow, DuckDB and Streamlit

Exploring StarCraft 2 data with Airflow, DuckDB and Streamlit

Practical example on how to create an Airflow DAG to fetch data from the StarCraft II API, utilize DuckDB for processing and Streamlit for visualizing

An introduction to Airflow, setting up a local environment and writing your first DAG

An introduction to Airflow, setting up a local environment and writing your first DAG

This article explains the Apache Airflow basics and guides you through the process setting up a local environment as well as writing your first DAG using the TaskFlow API
