3 posts tagged


Solving a Data Engineering task with pragmatism and asking WHY?

Solving a Data Engineering task with pragmatism and asking WHY?

Explore the essence of pragmatic Data Engineering through a task-solving journey and learn why you should ask WHY?

Gotta process 'em all - DuckDB masters your data like a Pokémon trainer

Gotta process 'em all - DuckDB masters your data like a Pokémon trainer

Practical examples how to use DuckDB as a tool for data wrangling based on Pokémon API data

Exploring StarCraft 2 data with Airflow, DuckDB and Streamlit

Exploring StarCraft 2 data with Airflow, DuckDB and Streamlit

Practical example on how to create an Airflow DAG to fetch data from the StarCraft II API, utilize DuckDB for processing and Streamlit for visualizing
